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Finding out if your programs works evaluation and monitoring Prof. DR. Soeharso Community based rehabilitation development and training center , Solo, Indonesia Nopember 1995.
Finding out if your programs works evaluation and monitoring Prof. DR. Soeharso Community based rehabilitation development and training center , Solo, Indonesia Nopember 1995.
Helping children with metal handicap and those with behavior problems, Prof. DR. Soeharso Community Based rehabilitation development and training center Solo, Indonesia, July 1995.
Helping children with metal handicap and those with behavior problems, Prof. DR. Soeharso Community Based rehabilitation development and training center Solo, Indonesia, July 1995.
Helping a person with pain, weakness or stiffness prof. DR. Soeharso community based rehabilitation development and training center , Solo Indonesia, Desember 1995.
Helping a person with pain, weakness or stiffness prof. DR. Soeharso community based rehabilitation development and training center , Solo Indonesia, Desember 1995.
Early detection of disability for children under five. Prof. DR. Soeharso community based rehabilitation development and training center, March 1995.
Early detection of disability for children under five. Prof. DR. Soeharso community based rehabilitation development and training center, March 1995.
Finding out about a person and her problems Prof. DR. Soeharso community based rehabilitation development and training center, Solo, Indonesia, Mei 1995.
Finding out about a person and her problems Prof. DR. Soeharso community based rehabilitation development and training center, Solo, Indonesia, Mei 1995.
Helping a person to move Prof. Dr. Soeharso community based rehabilitation development and training center Solo, Indonesia, June 1995.
Helping a person to move Prof. Dr. Soeharso community based rehabilitation development and training center Solo, Indonesia, June 1995.
"Helping children who have difficulty talking and community", Prof. DR. Soeharso community based rehabilitation development and training center, Solo, Indonesia, March 1995.
"Helping children who have difficulty talking and community", Prof. DR. Soeharso community based rehabilitation development and training center, Solo, Indonesia, March 1995.
Permohonan Pembayaran Bantuan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi Rumah.
Permohonan Pembayaran Bantuan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi Rumah.
Departemen Sosial RI Direktorat Jenderal Bina Rehabilitasi Sosial, Buku Pedoman Panti Prototipe (panti percontohan), Agustus 1995.
Departemen Sosial RI Direktorat Jenderal Bina Rehabilitasi Sosial, Buku Pedoman Panti Prototipe (panti percontohan), Agustus 1995.
Hasil 1 s.d 10 dari 1676